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BizKhmer Digital Media 与 U.S.R.V. 建立战略合作伙伴关系, 赋能柬埔寨中资企业

[金边讯] BizKhmer Digital Media(BizKhmer Media)与 U.S.R.V. (USRV) 今日宣布建立战略合作伙伴关系,为在柬埔寨运营的中国....

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Honored to Receive the Outstanding Trainer Award

Today was a day of immense pride and gratitude. I was honored with the Outstanding Trainer Award, presented by the Under Secretary of State, Ministry...

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Mr. Sophearith Joins Forces for Sustainable Tourism in Cambodia, Laos and Thailand

BizKhmer Media's Managing Director Mr. Sophearith took a significant step forward by participating in the recent workshop titled "Integrating Living H...

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Mr. Sophearith Connects with Marketing Gurus: Authors of Marketing 6.0 & Entrepreneurial Marketing

In a remarkable turn of events, Mr. Sophearith, a prominent figure in Cambodia's digital marketing landscape, recently had the extraordinary opportuni...

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Mr. Sophearith Galvanized by ASEAN Startup Roundtable: Calls for Collaborative Ecosystem Building and Actionable Solutions

Returning from the recent ASEAN Startup Roundtable in Jakarta, Mr. Sophearith, a prominent figure in Cambodia's digital landscape and founder of BizKh...

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Destination Mekong invites the tourism industry to their 4th edition of the Destination Mekong Summit on 6 and 7 December in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, und...

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ធ្លាប់តែឃើញនិងរៀនតារាងខួបគីមី ចុះតារាងខួបម៉ាឃីធីងបែបមាតិកាដូចម្តេចវិញ?

ដូចតារាងរបស់លោក Dmitri Mendeleev បានធ្វើបដិវត្តការយល់ដឹងរបស់យើងអំពីធាតុគីមី និងទំនាក់ទំនងរបស់ពួកគេ តារាងតាមកាលកំណត់នៃម៉ាឃីធីង មាតិកា ជាមគ្គុទ្ទេសក៍ដ៏ទ...

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AI Stats and Trends for Small Business Marketing

Luckily, those goals (and others) are attainable thanks to artificial intelligence (AI) and marketing automation. These technologies can help small bu...

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The Period Table of Content Marketing: Resourceful Content Creation Process

The table of content marketing serves as a comprehensive guide, encompassing the entire spectrum of content marketing activities, from crafting a well...

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